The unions, individuals and government, national entities have disseminated a number of seminars, conferences, statistics, which do not visualize or solve for entrepreneurs in their training the practice of how the American system operates, its techniques, integrated components, business visits and port facilities that are the basis of the “trade” in the international market to be handled in any country in the world, reaching the conclusion: that “Entrepreneurs should ask for the advice of those who know the business and seek financial support”, as well as identifies the articles of time and its scribe.

JHART INTL Inc., is an American international consulting company, with 25 years of experience, which opened offices in Latin America and Colombia, bringing entrepreneurs, undergraduate and graduate students, among others, to TRAINING in the United States, to experience directly how operates the American system offered as the basis for any innovation to be commercialized in the industrial sectors of each country, with technical and professional experts in each area and direct speakers from the USA. These are comparative advantages and business benefits available today, before leaving your country to market, not assuming risks and commercial missions without just professional cause, in a risk of economic wear. See

Articles of Time and experts:

The government and experts say that companies should seek the advice of those who know the business and seek financial support. Much has been said and written about the advantages, threats and opportunities that the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States will generate, but few have been given the task of identifying the most expeditious and efficient way to take advantage of the options that are derived from this agreement.

The FTA is a two-way trade agreement that will contribute to increasing business between both nations, which implies that companies must prepare to compete efficiently, designing training, financing and consulting strategies that facilitate the search for spaces between more than 360 million consumers in the two markets.

Government, unions and experts on the subject assure that the success in taking advantage of the business options offered by the FTA with the United States depends on the adequate use that companies make of the financial tools, the advice and the support of the institutions that they know the business.

Jaime Gómez Sierra, Manager of Foreign Trade at Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), in Bogotá, affirms that this entity offers entrepreneurs not only special credit lines for production and service projects, but also specialized advice on foreign trade and the exchange regime , that make the difference in the market.
“We also have alliances with other banks, such as Bancomer de México, which allows us to carry out foreign trade operations with the United States through BBVA in New York and Compass Bank.”

In the menu of options for exporters and importers, the financial market also includes the rediscount mechanism in foreign currency, which is a key tool to gain competitiveness.

In the process of making the most of the FTA with the United States, entrepreneurs also have entities and organizations such as Bancoldex, Proexport, Analdex, and binational chambers of commerce.

In conclusion, with all the financial support and training and advisory options that exist in the Colombian market, the possibilities of doing business with the world’s leading economic power are in sight.
30% Growth In Exports From The Productive Transformation Program (PTP)
by Jart Consulting on 01/18/13
The Productive Transformation Program (PTP) is a public-private alliance, created by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, which promotes productivity and competitiveness in sectors with high export potential. The sectors linked to the PTP have custom-designed business plans, which define the course to follow to achieve decisive increases in their productivity and competitiveness, while strengthening their production chains and positioning themselves in international markets. Currently 16 sectors are part of the program, divided into three main branches: Service sectors, Manufacturing sectors and Agro sectors.

As positive results of the program as of November 2012, the sectors participating in the PTP grew by 29.8% in relation to 2011, obtaining the highest amount of foreign sales registered in this period, by these sectors, since March 2009.

The sectors that stood out during this period for their growth were: vehicles (309.7%); goods related to electrical energy (35.6%); metalworking (16.2%); editorial and graphic communication (15%).

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