Pandemic vs. Business

Jhart International USA & Jartconsulting, Today, recommends the way to do international and national business, to execute or start it is through a Diagnosis for the different sectors and subsectors of a country’s economy, such as agribusiness, commerce, health , technology, subsidiaries, governments. Also, how to create new ways to export, import products, services, without intermediation.

In and after the Pandemic, domestic and global obstacles to the operation of businesses need an immediate diagnosis by quarters, training to reinvent themselves before signing or investing in their business, developing a business plan or farm in all their areas, organization , budget, industrial process, marketing, digital, TRADE, licenses, accounting and financial statements, tax, loans, under a controlled practical plan, with international advisers who know the American, Latin American, European and Asian systems.

• Have you ever wondered, how to find a buyer for your products and services in the United States, Latin America, and Europe currently 2020-22?

Fill out the business interview sheet in contacts and Send me your business inquiry!!!

• What are your current difficulties in moving your business, products, and services?

The business and agricultural plan, the financial statements, the cash flow, the forecast of your business by quarter, and the government support plans of the PPP of the SBA in the US or the Subsidies of the other countries, are not enough, but They must be updated and added to the revision strategy every three months, to create a map of the American system or the Country, before December 31, 2020.

The market and sale of your products and services is not only in your country, you must expand and own your company, businesses and products from the US to other countries, and from other countries to the US, under its control and without marketers. And in this we can help. The Pandemic protocols and the virtual part are important in the management of industrial processes and the distribution chain or clusters, but not enough for the sales of their products and services, because the global system forgot to integrate prevention into the health of the being human, with the management, process and the environment to make a good practice in their lifestyle and business.

• How to do and manage your business daily inside and outside the US? It is our specialty for 40 years!!!

The way in which the American, European, Asian and Latin American economic systems operate are of different business management that must be accommodated with the regulations of the authorities in the US, because they do not have international standards in their countries. The leadership, quality, innovation, technology, the duties of the protocol and cultures, the advice, and tips to find a buyer, the marketing and the digital tools must be known before the Start Up or start of the business. Also, and during the operation of this.

The impact and crisis are already occurring in the economies with the Pandemic and the recovery will last for years. It will depend on the stability and emotional control of the person and their way of working in the company or from home, keeping the balance point constant, even if there is a vaccine. Reserved Rights 2020-22

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