International Training & Conferences

International Business Training & Conferences.

Training in US provides a series of one-day seminars designed to give you and your staff,and intensive training on a variety of international trade topics. Small class sizes guarantee two-way communication between the instructor and attendees.

Includes 5 modules’ american ,Europe & Latin American Sytems,40 Hours, 2 Technical visits, US Port,Networking with buyers,at 3/4 days-Bilingual.

Every seminar is taught by a qualified and experienced instructor who fully understands the subject matter and knows how to share that knowledge with attendees. All attendees receive a matching reference book to serve as a resource after the seminar and a Certificate of Completion.

International Conferences Topics:


Topic: The American System, the barriers to the Crisis 2020-28 and Global Business Management Leadership, Quality, Technology, and Innovation vs. How to Start up or update Business in the International markets without intermediation vs. American System, Subsidiary & Treaties -2017-2022. Expand their Business without intermediation in the USA – Latin A- Europe-Dubai (EAU)

FDA. FSMA Safety Act. Food Safety & Products

Agency. January 2011-17-2018, 7 Rules News

Topic: FDA Food Regulation, Products from January 2011-2018 to the USA. Mr. Joaquin A Ruales. TT Lead as US certified & registered Instructor /Jhart/Ruales. Asso-Reg-Authorized FDA-FSMA ‘programs -USA: 18131585776.DUNS: 03-6926421. Training Programs and Certified Instructor in US for Latin America, Asia, and Europe: PSGT (Produce Safety Grover Training). Agriculture, handling, phytosanitary, traceability HARPC (Analysis, Risk Control. Hazard. FSVP (Foreign Supplier Verification). VQIP (Verification Quality Importation- Export Program). Productive cluster chains). QAP (Quality Assurance Program) Quality Assurance Program. SHORT MARKETING CHANNELS. European Community-Italy -Others legislation. Local Food Systems. Food Safety. Food Business and Food Chain

Global E-Commerce.

The Trading of Goods and Services Online.

Topic:  The internet allows individuals and businesses to buy and sell an increasing amount of physical goods, digital goods, and services electronically. Some businesses sell exclusively online or use ecommerce to expand the reach of their other distribution channels.

Global Electronic Marketing Engagement

Target:  Ways to growing and retail distribution Topic: Strategies. Corporation & Business Image. Network. Clusters. Short Channel. Producer markets vs. Direct Sales. Retail Distribution Farmers. Surfaces, collection centers. Agrarian and Industrial chain. Comparative similarity of the US American, Latin American, Dubai and European model system applicable to Caribbean and Latin America Regions.

QC-100 Global Patent, Leadership, Quality, Innovation and Technology.

Topic: Expand International, Invest in US, Latin America with Competitiveness and Intelligent Innovation, Image Corp. International Leverage & Clusters Smart.

Image Corp

comparative simile US system model(s) vs. Latin American, Europe Countries applicable to micro small, medium, large entities-business with international position of international, domestic market without global intermediation (Opening Subsidiaries in US, and Latin-American.

Measurement / Mange’s Financial Statements Budget Accounting Stand USGAPP-IFRS.

The Global Crisis of USA

The Global Crisis of USA, Medial East, Eurozone Rusia, Pandemic-warms’ affects markets as Latin American since 2008- 2019-2024,2025, and future consequences for Entreprenures.

Others, suggested by the Entity, Secretariats or Academic Institution for their Programs

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